What is responsive design, really?
Although responsive design has been around for a few years and “Mobilegeddon” was declared in April 2015, some confusion still persists regarding responsive design.
Although responsive design has been around for a few years and “Mobilegeddon” was declared in April 2015, some confusion still persists regarding responsive design.
Here are some basic steps to help you establish and make the most of your own website, without breaking the bank.
Maybe the questions aren’t new, but they certainly can save your boat, budget and behind!… Small business owners often spend a fortune on branding and advertising only to find out AFTER they have parted with that hard-earned cash…
In a recession or recovery economy some companies are tempted to cut corners in Creative Services and Marketing to help with balancing budgets or “tightening” the proverbial belt. Here we’ll take a look at 3 things you need to spend some time and money on for profitable results, and a few things it’s ok to “downsize” to save some extra cash.
Shakespeare started it… a Rose is a Rose, right? Maybe not.
As it turns out, your name is one of those criteria that can really help or hinder your ranking results. It’s one of the first things looked at by crawlers.