
About 17blue


Mission and Values


Investing In People
The greatest value is always in people. We choose to invest in our team and their training – our clients and their growth – our community and its causes. Simply because people matter most.



Growing Commerce
Our core services and operations exist to help companies attract visitors, convert leads, grow sales and engage fans. When companies leverage opportunities, they are able to grow, create jobs, and help families and communities thrive.Save


Building Community
We call Jacksonville North Carolina home. We help businesses start, grow and thrive. We also enjoy supporting local nonprofits. This is our community and we are better together.



A Bit of History

Founded in 2000, the company is a woman-owned business based in Jacksonville, North Carolina. What started with a single designer, has grown to a team of designers, developers and content marketers working together for our clients.  We’re proud to help our clients increase revenue, create jobs and give back to their communities.

Why the name 17blue®?

Mostly, we love it!  But there’s also some significance to the choice of “17” and “blue” in the company name. 17 is a number that represents victory. The color blue represents revelation. In essence, you could say our name 17blue® means “Victory Revealed.” We really love that.

What does that mean for you?

Our team of creative and technical pros take that message to heart. We work to help you get traction in your branding and marketing. It takes vision, creativity, and work. We love creating traction… for our clients, our community and our team. We build traction by embracing authenticity, developing solid strategy and building trust. Doing marketing right for your company matters for today and tomorrow. 



Ready to tell your story?

We are, too.