How Content Marketing Fuels Sales Traction
Content marketing is a process that depends on engagement, intelligence, and iteration to increase sales traction and revenue. Where many businesses struggle is understanding how content marketing cycles actually work with what they have learned about the buyer’s journey, sales funnels, and sales cycles.

7 Indicators Marketing Automation May Fit Your Company
Marketing Automation is an integral part of most business marketing plans today. It’s hard to argue with benefits like intelligent tracking, intelligent content delivery, social monitoring, competitive analysis, lead nurturing, conversions and others. B2B companies have adopted to the technology fastest, but many smaller and mid-size companies are asking if Marketing Automation is right for them. Does it fit?

31 Days of Blog Topics for Business
Here are 31 days of content ideas to kick-start your blogging in the new year.

Real Stats on Content Marketing – Hire or Outsource?
Statistics that demonstrate the value of content marketing and why it’s a pivotal strategy for success, plus costs to evaluate internal creative teams vs agency outsourcing.