
Being THE Expert Helps.

As our world becomes increasingly connected, customers and clients discover new information in record time.  With so many alternatives to every product and service just a few mouse clicks away, standing out as an authority in your field can help you thrive.

 Wouldn’t your business benefit if you were seen as “THE expert” in your domain?

It can happen by following these three keys to establishing authority:

1. Understand Your Audience

Knowing what you’re selling isn’t enough; you need to really know your buyer. Know their problems – not just the ones you’re in business to solve – but their challenges in general.  When you understand what keeps them up at night and what they aspire to accomplish during their day, you’ll be communicating with them on a deeper level. This is crucial because content should be focused on them, not on you. You’ll know that you’re truly in tune with your buyer when you provide them with the solutions they need before they even realize that they need them.

2. Provide Fresh Content

Once you understand your client’s needs, you can provide helpful, relevant content. Share your best ideas and don’t be afraid to be controversial or unique. It’s hard to stand out when your opinions mirror everyone else’s. Not only will an active business blog increase your credibility, it will also result in improved lead generation and give you a boost in search engine optimization. The more quality content you provide, the better. According to eMarketer, 60% of marketers create at least one piece of content each week.

3. Be Social & Speak Up

Answering questions via social media is another way to establish your authority. Join in on conversations and don’t shy away from sharing content relevant to the discussion. Participate in sites like LinkedIn and Quora that encourage sharing of professional expertise and industry-related opinion.

But don’t limit sharing your expertise only to the internet. Apply to speak at live, in-person industry conferences, break-out sessions and events.  Determine what you want to be known for, and plan your speaking topics around that core area of knowledge. Once people consider you an expert, they will have greater trust in your products or services, and actively seek you out when they have a need.

Keep Your Focus on Helping Others

Established expert authority brings with it a whole new level of career and personal satisfaction. While you’re learning about the needs of your audience, developing content and sharing it, keep your focus on helping others. Givers get. When people find the information you provide helpful and useful, it can open many new doors and opportunities for your business.



Cindy is the founding President at 17blue Digital Marketing. She's passionate about helping businesses reach their goals and impact their communities.